June 18, 2015

Disparaging sniff...pfft

Hello people....

Don't ask me where I have been for the past years... now I am back...
even though I'm so reluctant to post anything here...but today I feel like am posting something...nothing much just few things to share really..
I was busy with practicum for the past few months, busy with teaching, lesson plans, and work load from school.. Without I noticing, I have gone through a lot and the experiences make me a strong person and see things differently... to be honest, I'm quite happy coz I didn't delete all the posts in this blog, coz as time goes by, I can see how far have I became, and reflecting back from I was then and what I am now. I am so grateful.. I've change a lot.. From a dumb looking kid, to so called grown man... Its been five years already. Im stepping into my last chapter of study life..soon I will become a full fledged teacher...
Alhamdulillah, I am very bersyukur coz I have made it this far..and thank you Allah for my wonderful emak and ayah...for them always be there for me along the way of my journey...Syukur..
Now I am preparing myself for next agendas... lot to be done and to ponder...hope I can survive this time and enjoy my last move... insyaallah...

see you people soon..

February 15, 2014

Permulaan yang baru

Sedar ttak sedar masa berlalu dengan cepat. Setelah sekian lama aku baru teringatkan blog ni. Usang tanpa jagaan yang rapi. Alasannya bisasa lah, sibuk dengan itu lah ini lah. Now, its 2014. banyak yang telah aku lalui. Nak recal satu per satu tu memang tak ke sudah la nampaknya. 
Alhamdulillah, dengan berkat doa mak dan ayah, aku lulus dengan cemerlang peperiksaan November 2013. Keputusan yang cemerlang membuahkan hasil Anugerah Pengarah yang aku dapat bersama ramai lagi pelatih guru di IPG Ipoh ni. Rasa puas hati dapat penghargaan macam tu. Tapi ini bukan bermakna aku riak atau apa, cuma perkara yang tidak di sangka-sangka berlaku. Alhamdulillah. Moga aku teruskan istiqamah dalam menuntut ilmu disamping membuat penambahbaikan ibadah aku pada Tuhan. 
Bulan February ini boleh aku katakan bulan yang paling sibuk pernah aku lalui. Hampir setiap hari ada sahaja kerja yang perlu di buat. Kerja kursus pun dah start to pile up. Digging some stuffs to be used for my assignments. SO TIRED. Ditambahkan lagi dengan pilihanraya kampus yang akan berlangsung pada minggu terdekat ni. Untuk pengetahuan, aku jugak bertanding bagi jawatan naib pengerusi biro kebudayaan dan kesenian JPP Ipg kampus Ipoh. Terasa pelik aku boleh menjinakkan diri dengan perkara macam ni. Recall,before this I was one of those who always condemned people as they gila kuasa lah apa lah. But today, I am standing up right to fight for my post. Aku value experience dan moga peluang ada bagi aku untuk aku tingkatkan kemahiran dalam pengurusan persatuan. Inshaallah mudah-mudahan aku mendapat pertolongan yang wajar dari rakan-rakan dan dapat mengetengahkan pelbagai lagi keunikan budaya dan seni dalam kampus ini. Malam tadi aku dah selamat memberi ucapan manifesto yang pertama dalam seumur hidup, meyakinkan mahasiswa kampus dengan kebolehan aku dalam bidang pengurusan. Tetapi, aku bukan mengalah sebelum berjuang, cuma jika tidak menang sekalipun, aku akan fokus 100% pada pelajaran dan praktikal yang bakal aku hadapi dalam beberapa minggu lagi. 
Mungkin setakat ini sahaja perkongsian aku, harap aku diberi kesempatan lain untuk menulis cerita hidup aku disini.

May 3, 2013


Oh God....I almost forgot that this blog is still exist....
Its been awhile....and I'm now is nearing the end of the semester...still alive and currently struggling....

December 13, 2012

Its mid DEc

beach, cottage, hut, ocean

Hello there everyone or I can just say every ghostly spirit stuck in my blog ever since, I'm sorry for not writing anything in here. Actually the stupidity everyone always does is saying 'SORRY' to their blog  because not writing anything or leaving the blog too long. Nobody cares actually!
Anyway, its now mid of December....and 2 weeks from now gonna be Christmas...! Though I'm not celebrating it, but I do like the spirit of the festivals....the lights...the christmas trees...the jingles... feeling the same for other festive seasons too. 
I went to some so-called boring places like Sungai bil and hot spring with my friends...
Though, I felt so much kinda relief for being able to spend time with my friends and made the fullest of my time during this holiday. 

October 20, 2012

mine forever

bliss, bubbles, child, children, color, colour 

"should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements....."

ohh...what a tiring day...
I was think of giving up this blog...coz I'm bored...
But I still write in here instead.
I can't just leave it just like that....this blog has been with me since I'm here..
It wasn't an easy climb...
One day I'll look back and digging the the old memories...
Will make it stay..

October 17, 2012

Its been awhile

Salam and hello.
Its been awhile...

I've been hooked up by the new blog of mine lately. I much prefer the new blog rather than this one coz I need a fresh state of mind from the vertigo moment I had while keeping this blog updated.
Not too long ago my friends were asking me to join them for dinner, reluctantly I made my self excuse and just sit in the room. I know I'm hungry at this time, but the laziness overwhelmed me. Glad coz mira will buy me dinner and I just sit and wait. huhu... Thanks mira! 

I have an addiction to this thing since last time, but dun have the exact time to tell about it here. But I'm slowly emerge the story in my new blog. There's nothing actually, I just addicted to everything about Japan, especially their views, their lives, the environment, fashion, people...and so much more. I hope one day I could go there.
The ornaments they have in their Japanese garden are really unique. I just love them. I am really hoping someone will take me on a trip to Japan so that I can see those thing by my self. But now I realized that I can just see them on the internet! hahah.
Oh yeah, there is this garden, the JApanese Garden located in Ipoh, infront of the KPJ if I'm not mistaken, which I will go visit it next time with my friends. I'd love to go there. Can't wait for the right time to go there coz during this hectic month I couldn't go anywhere as exam is around the corner. 

WHat are you currently obsessions are people?

Tell me something about it.

 Till then. Have a nice day!

October 11, 2012

No more


No more!
No more lies....!
No more idiots...!
No more bugging around..!
No more you!
No more........

I'm freeeeeee........^^


October 1, 2012

what eyes can see

In the fast-changing realm of digital world, people have come to expect almost constant innovation and improvement.
In the world where so many people use gadgets to take photos, people reach cameras because it captures a quality picture.

As for me, the eyes we have can capture every moment, events and any pictures better...stored in memory, coz eyes don't lie.....


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