I have a problem when I look at the question, I hardly find a single general idea to it.
weird ain't it? but I positively think that everyone also face the same problem as me....
I think I need not to be afraid to express my own views, opinions, or ideas...
but the thing is,....I can't find any of ideas related to the question....haish....
Once my lecturer told me that I have to plan a general outline and fill it with whatever comes up to my mind....it does work somehow,,..but I will ended up sleeping on the paper...
sometimes I have a lot of ideas...unfortunately, I can't make sure the message is clearly expressed.
I should put an end to it and start to find some ideas before the day comes.....
let me share you one foolish joke.....I don't know whether you find it funny or not...
Amin : Where do birds meet for coffee?
Sarah : At nest-cafe...!
- huraikn cara2 efektif yg blh diambil utk melaksanakn hasrat FPG dgn mmberi fokus kpd objektif melahirkn guru yg beperkerti mulia. pnjelasan hndaklah diikuti contoh2 konkrit berdasarkan mata pelajaran pengkhususan anda. jelaskan bgaimana anda sbg bkl guru dpt merealisasikan penyerapan FPK dlm pelaksanaan kurikulum di sekolah.
- jelaskn secara mndalam implikasi fpk dn fpg kpd pendidikan ngra.
* tugasan anda perlu meliputi perkara berikut :
- fpk
- implikasi fpk dn fpg
- rumusan/ cadangan
hmm... inilah soalannye...
rumit tuh... esok gerenti siap.hehe
haa... tau xpe!!
bgn2 tido dpt ilham, pastu siap lah!!! cer try teknik aku ni... muahaha
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