May 6, 2011


I can't go home this weekend!!!

this is all becoz of macbeth!!

I have to postpone it to next week...


tmorow night also got practice...naahhh....where got time to go home??.... mistake coz not going back during the hari buruh.....haiz...

now I need to cancel my meeting with frens....

I thought of having a small gathering with them this saturday.....

but nothing much I can do...

coz this play need a very full cooperations from all the group members....

its not fair if I'm the one who flee back to home and have my home sweet time while others are buzing with all the works....

what to do.....this is a group work..

so I have to be there when my frens needed me....


so the conclusion has been made...
I'm not going home.............


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