January 29, 2011

Home I go~~~!!!

Yesterday, I went home by train..

I waited at KTM's station at 3pm as my train will departure at 6.30pm....

hahah...pretty cool isn't it??

I was sitting there for ages.... hoping to not to talk to someone, i plugged the earphone into my ears...

listening to music all along....but it wasn't so long coz i  get bored after that...

few minutes later, i met Ainul there.(which was my classmate during highschool) she was on her way back home as me...same train...

Anyway, I used the train to get home as i was too lazy to use the bus.

Honestly, I'm scared to ride the bus, coz there were a lot of accidents occur on road. so maybe, using train more safety than bus...,,^-*

Thus, the conclusion has been made,....

"TRAIN IT IS".....here we gooooo.......................~

OOO~ I was so excited!!!

I LIKE to ride trains and nobody can stop me from my excitement.



I've made it......I'm home now.....

OK, that is a bit over the edge..... 
*still wondering what are the agendas during this one week hols........*^^

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