January 2, 2012

"MYRAVEA: Segmen Warna Pilihan Untuk Blogku"

Salam...okay actually memang dah lame teringin nak join segmen2 yang ade kt dalam dunia blog ni, so after seeing so many people joining in so many segments..alas I decided to join in this very first segment...kinda fun..really...
But...doesn't it sounds "gurlish" to you?? haha...feel the same though...
anyway, just wanna try...
here we go...

Warna pilihanku:
>Light blue
Coz its my favorite color and it gives me the 'ketenangan' when I look at it,...ahhh...I know you can feel it too...what a nice....(Oh,oh, can you hear that? the sounds of the ocean...the breeze...? no? haha) sengal..

>peach yg creamy sikit tu..
Coz light color like peach ni cantek...xketerlaluan....xmen'JOLOK' mata....
xsilau sangat kot...kalo x, sakit palo aku dibueknyo kalo tgok kaler striking2 ni.....
naah whatever...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salam kenalan dari segmen yg same.. -.- jom ke blog saye pulak... http://lovestory313.blogspot.com..

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